Next Generation Urodynamic Measurement System

Measuring Program :
Cystometry with EMG
Pressure Flow Studies
Urethral Pressure Profilometry
Anorectal Manometry
Advantages of UROCOMP 2000 :
State of the art technology
Modular Design
High Sampling Rates
User friendly operating software as per ICS standards
Five Upgradable models
Advantages of Urocomp-S, SME’s operating software for Urodynamic studies:
Windows 10 Compatible
Patient data storage and retrieval
Provisions for pre-setting of graphs, Calibration of sensors, pump and puller.
Standard ICS Nomograms
​Easy and intuitive procedure for calibration
Common for all 3 below mentioned software modules
Search and filter capability
User friendly patient updating functionality
Gravimetric type Vmic sensor
Beaker and uroflowmetry voiding chair is provided
Roller pump, for precise non pulsating infusion, having Flow rate minimum 1ml/min to 100ml/min
Disposable or non-disposable pressure sensors for measurement of Pves and Pabd.
Vin – Weight Sensor
EMG- EMG Module with amplifier and filter compatible for surface and wire electrodes
Automatic leak and artifact detection
Visual and Sound EMG recordings
Post-test editing
Catheter puller arm having pulling speed of 2cm/min to 6cm/min
Disposable or non-disposable pressure sensors for measurement of Pves and Pab
S​eparate EMG Evaluation and Therapy modes
Easily set patient specific custom challenges in therapy mode
Animated Themes for therapy mode
Post-test editing
Anorectal Manometry
4 User configurable pressure channels
User selectable pressure channel for parameter calculation
Post test editing
Control Unit:
State of the art isolator and signal processor.
All in one windows computer with LCD screen and suitable printer.
Specially designed modular integrated trolley.
Available Models:
C-Arm Compatible Motorised UDS Chair

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Feedback from Our Renowned Customers
All India Institute of Physical Medicine & rehabilitation
All India Institute of Physical Medicine & rehabilitation
We have been using advanced urodynamic Measurement System UROCOMP 2000 UV supplied by M/S Status Medical Equipments.The system is working satisfactorily.
Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research
Have been using advanced computerised Urodynamic Measurement System since 17.05.2006.The system is working satofactorily
Calcutta National Medical College & Hospital
Using advanced computerised Urodynamic Measurement System since 28.10.2010.The system is working satofactorily
Government of West Bengal Department of Urology
Using UROCOMP 2000 since 11.02.2011 and it is working satisfactorily.